Sunday, October 2, 2011

Project 2A Malaria Treatment

            Adam was a young student at the University of Howard studying for medicine to become an internist (Diagnostician).  Adam is almost done with his school and he wants something different from the ordinary that will help him in his future career and specialty.  Therefore, Adam starts reading and investigating some diseases and comes up with Malaria.  Adam read that Malaria is one of the causes of death and illness to the children and adults in tropical climates.  His heart was touched and he starts talking to the organization NGO regarding some teachings that would benefit those children and adult.
After Adam arranged everything to do with the organization, he decided to go to Ethiopia to help the children and adult through his profession.  Adam got his travel documents and took the 13‑hour flight to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  He then took a 12‑hour bus ride to Dire Dawa, which is a tropical environment.  The next day he was so tired but he is so excited to do everything for the people.  It was after winter and all the children were back to school.  Therefore, he took his books to teach the 8th grade students and he was so close to the children, they were his life.  After a year, he met Mathy.  He is one of the smartest kids in the school.  One day Mathy took Adam to his village and he found out he is poor they do not have that much money to buy some decent clothing or food so he starts helping him anyway he could. 
            After a week, Mathy did not come in school.  He never missed his school in his life.  Adam was so scared.  What happened to his friend?  So after his school teaching he goes to the village to see what happened to his friend.  He met Mathy’s mother Meskyi and told him Mathy had a headache, fever, chills, sweats, and fatigue within the last seven days and Adam found out Mathy had Malaria.  Adam then quickly took him to the nearest hospital to treat the Malaria.  Denchora hospital treat him well and Mathy was back to his feet soon.  Then Adam starts teaching to the village that Malaria is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium, which is transmitted via bites of infected mosquitoes, and they can prevent it by using insecticidal nets and indoor residual spraying with insecticide.  The village people cannot afford to get those things so Adam is helping them by getting those things from the organization he has been working.  Adam became part of the family and he felt so sad when he returned to his country and cried when he left Ethiopia.  Nevertheless, Adam always remembered how good and innocent and friendly they are to him.  Matty got his degree in Medicine and took his place.

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