Malaria in Ethiopia By Konjit Turock Konjit Turock September 23,2011
EXT. IN A VILLAGE IN DIRE DAWA, ETHIOPIA DAY (June 2009) After ADAM finished his school teaching he goes to the village to see what happen to his friend MATHY. INT. INSIDE MATHY’S HOUSE DAY MATHY is crying when Adam arrives. ADAM met MESKI MATH’S mother and told ADAM MATHY had a headache,fever,chills,sweats and fatigue with in the last seven days. ADAM found out MATHY had Malaria from his sign and symptoms. INT. DENCHORA HOSPITAL DAY ADAM took MATHY to the hospital and MATHY is admitted to the hospital until MATHY gets better. EXT. OUT SIDE MATHY’S VILLAGE AREA DAY ADAM starts teaching to the village about Malaria how Malaria is caused and how to prevent. For the people who can not afford ADAM help the Village people to get the prevention equipment free from the UNICEF and also from non profit organization. INT. BACK TO HOWARD UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL AFTER A YEAR DAY (JULY 2010) ADAM is back to his life. Adam remeber that he was in Ethiopia last year and also how good,innocent and friendly people are in Ethiopia. ADAM starts his carrier in medicaine after he return from Ethiopia.
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