Sunday, December 11, 2011

Art In DC and MD Area


NAME:  Konjit Turock                                                                            STUDENT ID 02648815
DATE:   12/10/2011                                                                                                                       

PROJECT DESCRIPTION & EVALUATION                                             (COMPLETE & SUBMIT W/FINAL. PRINT ONLY).
                                                                     Due Date:                               Format:

Description: Complete this evaluation for your final project and be specific and detailed. Refer to the objective of the project, criteria, and the elements and principles of art, as well as concepts and techniques discussed in class. Submit this with your final CD, notebook/journal, digital portfolio and other final assignments.


1. What was your design or visual approach to this project?

The visual approach that we use first is a car to take him to the airport.  Next, the aircraft that Adam took to go to Ethiopia to help the children.  Last, the background pictures and buildings.

2. What was the purpose of this project, were you successful? Why or Why not?

The purpose of this project is to show the audience how Adam goes to Ethiopia to help teach the village about malaria prevention.  We showed this by using animations of an aircraft and a car.  We also showed to the audience that they can see flying mosquitoes.  This helped us to show that he is going to teach people how to treat themselves and their family.  It was successful, because as we see from the movie that airplane and cars took him to Ethiopia and showed the flying mosquitos.

3. What elements and/or principles of art/design or animation did you incorporate into this project?

We used follow through and an overlapping action.  We demonstrated that when Adam walks his arms and legs move as a different timing event.  This means the other arm follows the first one to catch up.  The other principle that we used is Arcs.  Arcs give the animation more natural action like you can see from Adam, such as: his eye movement and arm movement.

4. Did you complete all the requirements for this project? What techniques, concepts learned from readings
and/or lessons, if any did you apply?

We completed all the requirements for this project.  For example, we used treatment, script, and a storyboard.  In addition, we used the principle of animation before we did the animation, which helped us a lot.  We also used the solid flexible model, key frame, and tweens that we got from the reading.

5. During the class/instructor critique what suggestions/constructive criticism, observations or advice were made.

Some suggestions are to have background music, using at least two principles of animation, dimension, 50 seconds, and character.

6. If you were to critique yourself on this project, describe what you would change or do differently if anything.

I might use a sound track to make it more alive. A music background will help the audience to listen, watch more attentively, and make it interesting.

7. Did you learn anything new or discover anything in the process and research of this project? If so what?

 The new things I learned are: how to animate, how to use a storyboard, and how to use the principles of animation.

Text Box:

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

2D animationFlash

Animation for Malaria

This Video is so funny and it show us the exaggeration and to anticipate the next step which are both are principles of animation.

Rotating Globe Tutorial

This video help me to do my Rotating globe assignment  which i get it from the you tube

Friday, October 21, 2011

Art Beats and Lyrics (Gentleman Jack)

Lemieux Pilon 4D Art: Norman

Michel Lemieux is a brilliant artist.  I went to the Kennedy Center to see his and his partner Victor Pilon’s 4D production of Norman.  Norman is an awe-inspiring creation that was very similar to holographic projection.  It used an amazing technology that projected light against screens to produce a lifelike 4D creation.  Coupled with his mastery of chronological and spatial performing, Michael was able to appear to interact with the projections.  The storyline is based off the accomplishments of Norman.  I believe that Michael is a radical performer ahead of his time.
“Michel Lemieux and Victor Pilon, masters of multimedia performances, are the driving artistic force of Lemieux Pilon 4D Art. In their creations, storytelling integrates theater, film, dance, poetry, visual arts, music, and sound, resulting in rich immersive performances for the delight and amazement of audiences. In the last 25 years, they have created and directed more than 30 original productions presented around the world. Recent productions include the acclaimed Norman and La Tempête. They have also created Free Fall, Grand Hôtel des Étrangers, Pôles, Orféo and Anima. The Company has toured extensively in Canada, the United States, Europe, Latin America, Australia, and Asia” (, 2011).
“Founded in 1983, Montreal-based Lemieux Pilon 4D Art is a multi-disciplinary company with more than 30 original productions to its credit. Michel Lemieux and Victor Pilon, the driving artistic forces of the company, masterfully integrate theater, film, dance, poetry, visual arts, music, and sound into their productions, resulting in rich, immersive storytelling that both delight and amaze audiences. The company last appeared at the Kennedy Center in 2007 with its production of The Tempest/La Tempête” (, 2011).

Art Beats and Lyrics (Gentleman Jack)

“Since its humble beginnings in 2004 in Atlanta’s Little Five Points - Gentleman Jack Art, Beats and Lyrics National (GJ AB+L) Tour has brought some of the hottest urban visual artists, DJ’s, bands and interactive event activities to cities across the U.S. - including DC, Atlanta, Dallas, Philadelphia and New Orleans.  Art, Beats + Lyrics is a groundbreaking multimedia art and music exhibition that  highlights the urban art form and the original themes of hip-hop through music and visual art.  After 2 years of a few very successful events, Jack Daniels (Jack Daniels Distillery) came on board as the title sponsor and Arts, Beats + Lyrics went from Atlanta’s Little Five Points to a National Tour” (, 2011)

Animated Cat

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Squash and Stretch

Project 1 Typed Proposal & Pitch

Enkutatash (Ethiopian New Year)
Enkutatash is an important festival in the lives of Ethiopians.  After three months of heavy rain, the sun comes out creating a beautiful clear fresh atmosphere.  It is celebrated on September 11 in the early morning after everyone comes from church.  The girls wear new clothes and carry flowers and drums.  They knock on the doors and sing Abebayehush for the family that opens the door for money or special holiday bread.  The boys sell pictures that they have drawn.  After they got the special holiday bread or money, they will sing a thank you song at the end.  While the elders discuss their hopes for the New Year and drink coffee with the family, the children go out and spend the money they have earned on candy or toys.

Ye-Gena Chewata (Ethiopian Christmas)
Gena is one of the religious celebrations.  Young men played a game like hockey called Gena at Christmas time.  The leader of the community attended the game.  A prize is awarded to the winner of the Gena game.  Men and young boys participate in the game.  They use a hockey stick with a curved end and a small wooden ball.  They go the nearest field open space in the countryside.  The players are divided in to two teams.

Malaria is a fatal disease, which causes death and illness to the children and adults in tropical countries.  Malaria is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium, which is transmitted via the bites of infected mosquitoes.  Mosquitoes in temperature climates can carry malaria, but the parasites disappear over the winter.  To control Malaria, locals use insecticidal nets for people at risk and indoor residual spraying with insecticide to control the vector mosquitoes.

Project 2A Malaria Treatment

            Adam was a young student at the University of Howard studying for medicine to become an internist (Diagnostician).  Adam is almost done with his school and he wants something different from the ordinary that will help him in his future career and specialty.  Therefore, Adam starts reading and investigating some diseases and comes up with Malaria.  Adam read that Malaria is one of the causes of death and illness to the children and adults in tropical climates.  His heart was touched and he starts talking to the organization NGO regarding some teachings that would benefit those children and adult.
After Adam arranged everything to do with the organization, he decided to go to Ethiopia to help the children and adult through his profession.  Adam got his travel documents and took the 13‑hour flight to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  He then took a 12‑hour bus ride to Dire Dawa, which is a tropical environment.  The next day he was so tired but he is so excited to do everything for the people.  It was after winter and all the children were back to school.  Therefore, he took his books to teach the 8th grade students and he was so close to the children, they were his life.  After a year, he met Mathy.  He is one of the smartest kids in the school.  One day Mathy took Adam to his village and he found out he is poor they do not have that much money to buy some decent clothing or food so he starts helping him anyway he could. 
            After a week, Mathy did not come in school.  He never missed his school in his life.  Adam was so scared.  What happened to his friend?  So after his school teaching he goes to the village to see what happened to his friend.  He met Mathy’s mother Meskyi and told him Mathy had a headache, fever, chills, sweats, and fatigue within the last seven days and Adam found out Mathy had Malaria.  Adam then quickly took him to the nearest hospital to treat the Malaria.  Denchora hospital treat him well and Mathy was back to his feet soon.  Then Adam starts teaching to the village that Malaria is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium, which is transmitted via bites of infected mosquitoes, and they can prevent it by using insecticidal nets and indoor residual spraying with insecticide.  The village people cannot afford to get those things so Adam is helping them by getting those things from the organization he has been working.  Adam became part of the family and he felt so sad when he returned to his country and cried when he left Ethiopia.  Nevertheless, Adam always remembered how good and innocent and friendly they are to him.  Matty got his degree in Medicine and took his place.

This Week animation

Project 2B: 1st Draft Script Malaria In Ethiopia

Malaria in Ethiopia                         
                                 Konjit Turock                             
                                        Konjit Turock                      
                                        September 23,2011                  
          After ADAM finished his school teaching he goes to the           
          village to see what happen to his friend MATHY.                  
          INT. INSIDE MATHY’S HOUSE DAY                                    
          MATHY is crying when Adam arrives.  ADAM met MESKI MATH’S        
          mother and told ADAM MATHY had a                                 
          headache,fever,chills,sweats and fatigue with in the last        
          seven days.  ADAM found out MATHY had Malaria from his sign      
          and symptoms.                                                    
          INT. DENCHORA HOSPITAL DAY                                       
          ADAM took MATHY to the hospital and MATHY is admitted to the     
          hospital until MATHY gets better.                                
          EXT. OUT SIDE MATHY’S VILLAGE AREA DAY                          
          ADAM starts teaching to the village about Malaria how            
          Malaria is caused and how to prevent.  For the people who        
          can not afford ADAM help the Village people to get the           
          prevention equipment free from the UNICEF and also from non      
          profit organization.                                             
          (JULY 2010)                                                      
          ADAM is back to his life.  Adam remeber that he was in           
          Ethiopia last year and also how good,innocent and friendly       
          people are in Ethiopia.  ADAM starts his carrier in              
          medicaine after he return from Ethiopia.                         

Monday, September 5, 2011

Good advertisement on malaria game